3 Ways to Sell More Chocolate Eggs This Easter

Easter is widely celebrated across Australia by religious and non-religious residents alike, which makes it a great time to boost sales in your grocery store. As Easter approaches, chocolate eggs begin flying off the shelves, so you want to make sure you do your best to sell as many as possible. Here are 3 tips for boosting your Easter egg profits this year. 

Buy Enough Eggs

The first and most important thing to do when planning your Easter egg sales is to ensure you're purchasing enough chocolate. One of the quickest ways to ruin your whole strategy is to run out of eggs before Easter's over; it only takes one day of empty shelves to get customers telling all their friends and family not to bother checking out your shop to find Easter eggs. This is even more important as Easter gets closer, as many people leave egg shopping until the last minute and won't waste time trying a shop that's been out of stock before. Based on previous years' sales, make a good estimate of how many Easter eggs you need, and don't be afraid to contact confectionery suppliers for a top-up closer to 'E-Day' if needed.

Theme Your Displays

If you want to sell as many eggs as possible, it's a good idea to go a step further than usual by creating themed displays for your chocolate. Themed displays help get customers in the Easter mood, encouraging them to stock up on eggs early. Customers who buy eggs several weeks before Easter are often tempted to eat one or two before the day comes, so you may get the added benefit of seeing them return again. These displays also catch the eye of customers who prefer to buy later, reminding them that your grocery shop is a great egg-buying destination. Themed displays can come in a range of forms. The simplest displays use pre-bought signage that you can hang from the ceiling or attach to shelves. While these work well, going for a more unique and attractive display can work even better. The best displays may even get customers snapping photos of your shop to post on social media, drawing in more egg-buyers. Consider giant egg models, Easter bunny figurines, or even faux 'nests' (baskets filled with twig-coloured shredded paper) full of smaller eggs on your shelves.

Stock a Range of Confectionery

Remember that not everyone wants a traditional Easter egg. If you only stock regular chocolate eggs, you'll be missing out on sales from many customers looking for something different. To start, make sure you purchase some specialist eggs, such as lactose-free or diabetic-friendly products for customers with unique dietary needs. Secondly, stock up on a range of other types of confectionery: Easter-themed lollies, mini eggs, and baked goods are all great ideas. For a better chance of appealing to as many customers as possible, you may also want to complement your Easter confectionery range with some non-edible items like plush bunnies, surprise egg toys or egg-decorating kits.
